The Arctic Council
The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum that provides a mechanism to address the common concerns and challenges faced by the Arctic governments and the people of the Arctic.
You can read more about the Arctic Council on its website.
The International Union for Circumpolar Health (IUCH) is an observer to The Arctic Council, as a non-governmental organization. Earl Nowgesic, Canada, represents the IUCH at the Arctic Council.
The Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG)
The Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting in Barrow, Alaska in 2000, approved a strategic framework document on sustainable development. With this foundation for further cooperation, the SDWG started developing the economic, social and cultural aspects of sustainable development.
The Arctic states have declared their commitment to improving human conditions in the Arctic and to building capacity to help the inhabitants adapt to new realities.
The International Union for Circumpolar Health is also an observer in the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG), and at the Senior Arctic Official meetings (SAO). Gert Mulvad, Greenland, represents IUCH at the SDWG.
The Arctic Council encourages among other things continued cooperation on health issues, including assessment of the relationship between pollution and health. It gives special attention to the children and youth of the Arctic with the aim of preparing young people to actively participate in the sustainable development of the region.
The SDWG decided during its May 2008 meeting to establish a Arctic Human Health Expert Group (HHEG). The purpose of this group is to assist the SDWG in assessing human health projects and priorities.
For further information, see the SDWG Website.